
Rules & Regulations

1 — Project Rules

  • Projects can be done by individuals or larger groups (no limit on group size).
  • It doesn’t have to be a very detailed project, but could also be an explanation of a scientific phenomenon (ex. How does a plane fly?) with or without a physical project attached.

2 — Requirements

  • Can use printouts or hand-write (legible)
  • Can be a slideshow
  • Can be a physical project
  • Can be a poster or drawing
  • Must follow Safety Guidelines and Project Limitations

3 — Necessary Information


  • A title (can be a question or “the effect of”)
  • Independent, Dependent, and Controlled Variables
  • Data/Evidence collected from the experiment (Can be qualitative, quantitative, and/or graphical)
  • Pictures or drawings of some sort to show the procedure.
  • A conclusion that sums up results
  • A verbal presentation or form of communication from student.
  • All students’ names on poster

(Highly recommended)

  • Physical evidence (e.g. what’s left of your baking soda volcano or the coke bottle you added mentos to)
  • Control groups/Constants can be included
  • A description of your procedure using written steps.

4 - Prizes

  • To Be Decided

5 - Sample project categories

  • Phyics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Earth Science

Copyright © 2023 STEMist Education.

STEMist Education is a student-run 501(c)3 nonprofit based at Lynbrook High School, with over 40 volunteers helping improve STEM education for students of all ages, hosting both events and competitions.